Articles on: [Shopify] Glossary


Terms, brand names and some other words and phrases should usually stay in the original language or be translated in a specific way. LangShop allows users to add such words in the Glossary. Here you can add a chosen word or phrase and apply either “Never Translate” or “Always Translate” rule, keeping it spelled appropriately on the chosen languages.

On this page:

How to keep certain words untranslated

How to translate certain words in a specific way

Delete rule

How to export and import glossary rules

How to Enable DeepL Glossary in LangShop

How to keep certain words untranslated


From the LangShop admin, go to Glossary.

Click Add rule.

Choose Never Translate Rule.

Type the word/word combination you want to keep in the original language.

If you select the Case sensitive button, the rule will be applied only to the text that is spelled exactly like in the field above. You can skip the box if you want LangShop not to make a difference between uppercase and lowercase characters in the text.

Select languages, which the rule will be applied to.

Click Add.
Support team advice: Once the rule is added in the Glossary list, the content you'd like to be affected should be retranslated with Overwrite existing translations setting enabled.

How to translate certain words in a specific way


From the LangShop admin, go to Glossary.

Click Add rule.

Choose Always Translate Rule.

Type the word/word combination and a desired version of translation.

If you select the Case sensitive button, the rule will be applied only to the text that is spelled exactly like in the field above. You can skip the box if you want LangShop not to make a difference between uppercase and lowercase characters in the text.

Select languages, which the rule will be applied to.

Click Add.

All rules are applicable only to new translations. Set the rule and then run translation to let the Glossary perform its job.


Controversial conditions resolution:

In case you create two rules with identical operation conditions, i.e. identical original text with the same checkbox status and similar languages, the system will return a 409 error instead.

All other controversial conditions are resolved in compliance with priority sorting (1- the highest priority):

Sorting by the original text length. The priority gets the condition with longer text.

Sorting by the sensitivity. The condition with active case sensitivity will get higher priority.

Example 1:

We have two conditions:

Always Translate “Text for”, case sensitive activated

Always Translate “Text for LangShop”, case sensitive deactivated

The second rule has higher priority due to the original text length.

Example 2:

We have two conditions:

Always Translate “Text for”, case sensitive activated

Always Translate “text for”, case sensitive deactivated

The first rule has higher priority due to active case sensitivity.

Delete rule

You can delete a rule if it's not relevant yet.


From the LangShop admin, go to Glossary.

Choose the rule you want to delete.

Actions > Delete rules.

How to export and import glossary rules

From the LangShop admin, go to Glossary.

Choose a Glossary rule for export/import

Click “More Actions” -> Export/Import

By clicking export, you’ve got the options to choose what glossary rule you’d like to export:

By clicking import, you’ll need to import the file with the rules:


By clicking on this checkbox, the already existing glossary rules will be overwritten:

How to Enable DeepL Glossary in LangShop

In addition to LangShop’s native glossary, you can now integrate DeepL glossaries. Please note that you need a paid DeepL Pro account to generate an API key and use it with LangShop. You can learn more about setting up DeepL Pro here.

Steps to Enable DeepL Glossary:

From your LangShop admin, navigate to Settings > General Settings.
In the Translation engines section, select DeepL Pro.
Click on Enable DeepL glossary.

Enable DeepL Glossary in LangShop

Save your changes.

Supported Languages and Limitations

DeepL’s API supports glossaries in any combination of two languages from the following list, allowing for 120 possible language pairs:

Danish (DA)
German (DE)
English (EN)
Spanish (ES)
French (FR)
Italian (IT)
Japanese (JA)
Korean (KO)
Norwegian Bokmål (NB)
Dutch (NL)
Polish (PL)
Portuguese (PT)
Romanian (RO)
Russian (RU)
Swedish (SV)
Chinese (ZH)

The maximum size limit for a glossary is 10 MiB = 10485760 bytes and each source/target text, as well as the name of the glossary, is limited to 1024 UTF-8 bytes. A total of 1000 glossaries are allowed per account.

Format Restrictions:
Common Restrictions for All Glossary Formats duplicate source entries are not allowed, neither source nor target entry may be empty, source and target entries must not contain any C0 or C1 control characters (including, e.g., "\t" or "\n") or any Unicode newline, source and target entries must not contain any leading or trailing Unicode whitespace character. source/target entry pairs are separated by a newline, source entries and target entries are separated by a tab.

AI Adjustments:
DeepL’s AI engine adjusts glossary terms to match the grammar of the sentence. For example, verbs are automatically conjugated to fit the context. If a sentence is too ungrammatical, the AI may skip applying the glossary entry.

For more details on managing and creating DeepL glossaries, refer to the official DeepL documentation.

Updated on: 15/08/2024

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