Notifications section on LangShop Dashboard displays notifications of completed tasks, TextMaster order status updates, export information, and other actions you decide to take in LangShop admin (To specify what kind of notifications you want to receive, go to Settings > Notifications). Notifications help to track translations that you completed already.
If you decide to launch product translations, you will get the update in Notifications as soon as LangShop translates all items into different (selected) languages.

Such notifications will pop up for Products, Collections, Blog posts, Pages, Navigation.
You can also track Themes translations completion: storefront elements and store components.
If you order professional translations from the TextMaster agency, Notifications will be sent with the price successfully calculated in the cart before you can submit the order. You can get new messages from TextMaster when orders are ready, review text translations, and leave comments to the agent who is in charge of your order.

If you work with CSV, PO files, LangShop Notifications will be sending you updates with items to download on your device. You can download localized data directly from the Notifications section in LangShop, or check your mailbox you set in Shopify, open a new message from LangShop, and download the exported content from there.

Deleting old translations in the store will also appear in LangShop Notifications section. If you decide to eliminate a single product, page, or blog translation, upon the task completion, you will get a new alert with the information about the localized data removal.
If you decide to launch product translations, you will get the update in Notifications as soon as LangShop translates all items into different (selected) languages.

Such notifications will pop up for Products, Collections, Blog posts, Pages, Navigation.
You can also track Themes translations completion: storefront elements and store components.
If you order professional translations from the TextMaster agency, Notifications will be sent with the price successfully calculated in the cart before you can submit the order. You can get new messages from TextMaster when orders are ready, review text translations, and leave comments to the agent who is in charge of your order.

If you work with CSV, PO files, LangShop Notifications will be sending you updates with items to download on your device. You can download localized data directly from the Notifications section in LangShop, or check your mailbox you set in Shopify, open a new message from LangShop, and download the exported content from there.

Deleting old translations in the store will also appear in LangShop Notifications section. If you decide to eliminate a single product, page, or blog translation, upon the task completion, you will get a new alert with the information about the localized data removal.
Updated on: 01/12/2023
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