Uninstall LangShop
If you decide to stop selling in multiple languages or, for some reason, you are closing the store, you can uninstall LangShop from the Apps page in Shopify.
TIP 🇩🇪
Shopify will store the existing translations in their database. You can restore them back at any time when you decide to re-install the app.
From your Shopify admin, go to Apps and sales channels.
In the LangShop row, click ... > Uninstall.
In the message that appears, click Uninstall.
After uninstalling the app, the subscription is automatically stopped. There will be no charge for app fees in the next Shopify bill.
Make sure to clean up the theme code, if you use the selector tag for language or currency buttons. Depending on the location of the selector button, open the theme code (liquid files), search for the selector tag i.g. <selector data-type="lsn-switchers" ></selector> in the right template, remove the line, and save changes.
TIP 🇩🇪
Shopify will store the existing translations in their database. You can restore them back at any time when you decide to re-install the app.
From your Shopify admin, go to Apps and sales channels.
In the LangShop row, click ... > Uninstall.
In the message that appears, click Uninstall.
After uninstalling the app, the subscription is automatically stopped. There will be no charge for app fees in the next Shopify bill.
Make sure to clean up the theme code, if you use the selector tag for language or currency buttons. Depending on the location of the selector button, open the theme code (liquid files), search for the selector tag i.g. <selector data-type="lsn-switchers" ></selector> in the right template, remove the line, and save changes.
Updated on: 08/12/2023
Thank you!