[Magento] Getting started
On this page:
Selecting LangShop plan
Selecting languages
Selecting LangShop plan
As soon as you install LangShop for Magento, you need to pick up a plan first that will help you translate your online store. LangShop offers four subscription plans with different features for merchants who want to create and manage a multilingual store on Magento. The monthly cost of your LangShop plan depends on the plan you choose. You may also purchase an annual subscription and save two months for free.
Note: Staging and production are 2 different stores in our case and each requires a separate subscription to the Langshop service. We recommend using Free subscription plan to test the application on your staging instance. Whereas on Production you can choose a paid plan that fits your requirements.
Selecting languages

Select languages from the list into which you want to translate your Online Store.
Depending on your LangShop plan, you can add a different number of languages to your Online Store: 1 additional language for Free Plan, 1 additional language for Basic Plan, up to 5 for Standard Plan, and up to 20 languages for Advanced Plan.

To create a Store View, follow the steps below:
Go to Stores > All Stores.
Click on the ‘_Create Store View_’ button.
Set the options for the new store view.

Secondly, Change the Locale of the Store View.
Go to Stores > Configuration > General > Locale Options.
In Scope in the upper-left corner, set Store View to the specific view where the configuration is to apply.
Select the language required for this Store View in the Locale option.
Click on the ‘_Save Config_’ button.
Note: Please ensure that the new store views have a locale distinct from the default one.

To configure LangShop go to Stores > Configuration > Aheadworks Extensions > LangShop. Choose the store views you want to translate.

Learn more about adding a language in the Magento User Guide
For open websites, if for some reason background tasks stopped, then the API was unavailable due to incorrect data. Go to Settings > Tasks page, refresh the page and resume background tasks.
For closed websites (closed via Basic Auth), if you were using the application at the time the session ended (and background tasks were running for one reason or another), you need to reload the page.
For closed websites, if the session ended for some reason due to background tasks, then you need to refresh the page, enter the data for Basic Auth again and check that the background tasks continue to work (if not, run on the Settings > Tasks page).
If the session ended outside of background tasks, then the page will automatically go to the login form and after entering data, the work will be continued.
Updated on: 27/07/2023
Thank you!