Articles on: LangShop for Magento

[Magento] Setting up your Local store to allow for Langshop testing

To set up your Local store for Langshop testing follow next steps:

download and install ngrok;

add authorization token:

ngrok config add-authtoken <token>

you can get your token after registering an account [](;

start a tunnel for the port where Magento is available:

ngrok http 80

by default - 80, it might be different, for example http://localhost:8083/;

ngrok will give an external URL to access the store. For example, [](;

make changes in the coreconfig_data_ table in the Magento database:

web/unsecure/baseurl_ - []( (URL from point 4)

web/secure/baseurl_ - []( (URL from point 4);

run the following:

bin/magento c:c

follow further instructions.

Updated on: 27/07/2023

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