Manage tasks
You can manage all tasks you do for your multilingual store on a daily basis in LangShop.
LangShop displays and stores information about all active and completed tasks that have been performed. You can check them in the Settings > Tasks. There are two tabs where you can check active tasks and the history of the completed tasks.

If you currently do not have any active tasks, you will see a page like on the screen above. If you have active tasks, they will be displayed there.
Launching any action, on the upper right corner a modal window with a task's progress will appear. It will be displayed no matter what section of the module you are on. In this way, you will always be informed about the task's progress.
All tasks are performed in the background on the server. It means you shouldn't wait until the task finishes. You can do other work, close the browser, and even switch off the computer. Anyway, tasks will continue to be done by themselves. When it is completed, you will get a notification.
Tasks can be managed. Under each of them, you will see two buttons: pause and stop.
Pausing the task you just stop it working for some time. You are able to resume it whenever you need it. If you stop the task, you won't be able to resume it.
To check the info of the completed tasks, go to the History tab. There is a list of module performed tasks and their status: completed, failed, or stopped.

To see detailed info, click on the necessary task.
LangShop displays and stores information about all active and completed tasks that have been performed. You can check them in the Settings > Tasks. There are two tabs where you can check active tasks and the history of the completed tasks.

Active tasks
If you currently do not have any active tasks, you will see a page like on the screen above. If you have active tasks, they will be displayed there.
Launching any action, on the upper right corner a modal window with a task's progress will appear. It will be displayed no matter what section of the module you are on. In this way, you will always be informed about the task's progress.
All tasks are performed in the background on the server. It means you shouldn't wait until the task finishes. You can do other work, close the browser, and even switch off the computer. Anyway, tasks will continue to be done by themselves. When it is completed, you will get a notification.
Tasks can be managed. Under each of them, you will see two buttons: pause and stop.
Pausing the task you just stop it working for some time. You are able to resume it whenever you need it. If you stop the task, you won't be able to resume it.
Tasks history
To check the info of the completed tasks, go to the History tab. There is a list of module performed tasks and their status: completed, failed, or stopped.

To see detailed info, click on the necessary task.
Updated on: 24/07/2023
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