Articles on: LangShop for Magento

Translate categories

Categories are must-haves in every Online Store.

On this page:

Auto translate categories using a bulk action

PRO translate categories

Order categories translations

Translate a single category

Auto translate categories using a bulk action


From your LangShop admin, go to Translations > Categories.

Select items.

Click Translate.

Select languages


If you select the overwrite existing translations button, the app will translate texts again. You can skip this box if you previously translated categories.

Click Translate.

Please wait for the task to complete on the background server. The time depends on the amount of data and the number of languages you selected for the multilingual store.

API key activation

You can translate categories with a pro driver. For this, you need to have a paid account on a Google Cloud Platform or DeepL Pro to activate the API key in LangShop.


From your LangShop admin, go to Settings > Translation drivers.

Select a pro driver.

Paste the API key from your account.

Click Save.

PRO translate categories


From your LangShop admin, go to Translations > Categories.

Click Translate.

Select Google Translation or DeepL Pro, depending on the pro translation driver you activate the API key for.

Select languages.


If you select the overwrite existing translations button, the app will translate texts again. You can skip this box if you previously translate some of the categories.

Click Translate.

Order categories translations

You may also order translations from the TextMaster agency which integrates directly with LangShop.


From your LangShop admin, go to Translations > Categories.

Select categories that you want to translate.

Tap More actions > Add to Cart (Agency translation).

Select languages.

Click Add to cart.

The drafted order will automatically appear in the Cart section (Agency Translation > Cart). You can submit the form and get the quote in real time from the agency.

Translate a single category

When you add a new category to your Online Store, you need to translate it in LangShop too.


From your LangShop admin, go to Translations > Categories.

Select a single category.

Tap the Translate button.

Select languages.

Click Translate.

Please wait for the task to complete on the background server.

Updated on: 24/07/2023

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