Manage languages
After you add languages in LangShop (first installation) to your online store, by default, translated languages have published status, and they are visible on your storefront.
On this page:
Publish languages
Unpublish languages
Delete languages
When you add a new language to your online store, recently added languages have 'unpublished' status.

From your LangShop admin, go to Settings >Languages.
Select unpublished language from the list.
Click Publish.

Whenever you add new languages in LangShop, you need to assign newly published languages to a domain in your online store for the language to appear on your storefront. You must complete this task even if you are managing one domain name.
If you need some extra time to work on translations, for instance, you can also unpublish a language.
From your LangShop admin, go to Settings > Languages.
Choose a language that you want to unpublish.
Click Unpublish.

When you set the language to unpublished status, it will hide all available translations from the storefront. If you still have links in the store that can bring customers to that language, they will result in a 404 page not found error.
If you make a decision, for example, to stop selling in Italian, you can also delete languages. However, deleting the language does not delete the language translations. Shopify stores translations in the database. If you re-enable Italian in the future, you will have Italian translations available in your Shopify store. You do not have to translate your store content all over again.
From your LangShop admin, go to Settings > Languages.
Select a language that you want to delete.
Click Delete language in the Actions menu.

On this page:
Publish languages
Unpublish languages
Delete languages
Publish languages
When you add a new language to your online store, recently added languages have 'unpublished' status.

From your LangShop admin, go to Settings >Languages.
Select unpublished language from the list.
Click Publish.

Whenever you add new languages in LangShop, you need to assign newly published languages to a domain in your online store for the language to appear on your storefront. You must complete this task even if you are managing one domain name.
Unpublish languages
If you need some extra time to work on translations, for instance, you can also unpublish a language.
From your LangShop admin, go to Settings > Languages.
Choose a language that you want to unpublish.
Click Unpublish.

When you set the language to unpublished status, it will hide all available translations from the storefront. If you still have links in the store that can bring customers to that language, they will result in a 404 page not found error.
Delete languages
If you make a decision, for example, to stop selling in Italian, you can also delete languages. However, deleting the language does not delete the language translations. Shopify stores translations in the database. If you re-enable Italian in the future, you will have Italian translations available in your Shopify store. You do not have to translate your store content all over again.
From your LangShop admin, go to Settings > Languages.
Select a language that you want to delete.
Click Delete language in the Actions menu.

Updated on: 01/12/2023
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