Articles on: [Shopify] Settings

Translation suggestions

If you are using an AI machine translation tool and automatic translation, LangShop offers translation suggestions where you can select the most efficient translation for your online store.

Translation suggestions are not available on the LangShop Free plan.

LangShop uses multiple translation engines. These engines help you faster complete the translation process in your online store. However, some of them may cause incorrect spelling or meaning, bring mistranslations to your product description, store policies, delivery information, and other multilingual data.

You can find the translation suggestions button by entering the needed text field in the language tab.

Translation suggestions are only available when using the AI translation method.

To prevent the translation process from syntactic errors, you can manually check and select the most efficient translation from the list of all available engines.


From your LangShop admin, go to Translations > Products.

Open a single product.

Select the language tab.

In the description field, select Translation suggestions.

Choose the most efficient translation for your content.

Tap Select.

Click Save.

The following example shows how you can find a translation suggestion for a single product description, you can do the same actions with any text field for any language inside the app.

Updated on: 01/12/2023

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