Dynamic text
Dynamic text translation functionality can help you search for the content dynamically and translate it into different languages. In most cases, Shopify merchants can add sales banners, pop-ups, special offers, discounts and other dynamic elements to highlight the actual information to customers.
On this page:
searching and translating dynamic content
AI translation of dynamics
pro translate dynamics
order dynamic text translations
LangShop will translate a dynamic popup banner by Privy (third-party app).

To build a user-friendly store, you can translate dynamic content in LangShop into different languages.
Find and inspect the element in the developer console in your browser by right-clicking on a text that you want to translate.
Click Inspect Element.

Right-click on the element again > Edit as HTML > Copy the full text.

From your LangShop admin, open Translations > Dynamic text.

Click Add dynamic text at the right top corner.

Paste copied HTML text into the Original text.

Choose the pages where LangShop will search and replace the original text.
Skip pages where dynamic text is unlikely to appear.
Save changes.
When you finish inspecting the dynamic elements, you can launch bulk AI translation for all the created dynamic fields.
Select elements you want to translate
Tap Translate button.

Select Standard engine in the dropdown menu.
Select languages > Translate.
[Optional] Check Overwrite existing translations to retranslate text if it has already been translated.
If you have a generated API key on a [DeepL](https://langshop.crisp.help/en/article/deepl-pro-talkqz/) or [Google Cloud Platform](https://langshop.crisp.help/en/article/google-cloud-translation-1287yme/) account, you can enable any of them to start pro translation process with one engine only.
Tap Translate button.
Select Google Translation or DeepL Pro as translation engine.
Select languages > Translate.

[Optional] Check Overwrite existing translations to retranslate text if it has already been translated.
If you need human translations, submit orders to Text Master that can help you translate dynamics within 48 to 72 business hours, depending on the amount of data and the number of languages you have in your multilingual store.
From your LangShop admin, go to Translations > Dynamic text.
Select dynamics you want to translate.
Click More actions > Add agency translation.

Select language > Add to Cart.
Complete the order in the Cart section.
Make sure the dynamics is enabled on the frontend.
When LangShop completes dynamic translations, you can refresh your storefront details to check the result.
On this page:
searching and translating dynamic content
AI translation of dynamics
pro translate dynamics
order dynamic text translations
Searching and translating dynamic content]
LangShop will translate a dynamic popup banner by Privy (third-party app).

To build a user-friendly store, you can translate dynamic content in LangShop into different languages.
Find and inspect the element in the developer console in your browser by right-clicking on a text that you want to translate.
Click Inspect Element.

Right-click on the element again > Edit as HTML > Copy the full text.

From your LangShop admin, open Translations > Dynamic text.

Click Add dynamic text at the right top corner.

Paste copied HTML text into the Original text.

Choose the pages where LangShop will search and replace the original text.
Skip pages where dynamic text is unlikely to appear.
Save changes.
AI translation of dynamics
When you finish inspecting the dynamic elements, you can launch bulk AI translation for all the created dynamic fields.
Select elements you want to translate
Tap Translate button.

Select Standard engine in the dropdown menu.
Select languages > Translate.
[Optional] Check Overwrite existing translations to retranslate text if it has already been translated.
PRO translate dynamics
If you have a generated API key on a [DeepL](https://langshop.crisp.help/en/article/deepl-pro-talkqz/) or [Google Cloud Platform](https://langshop.crisp.help/en/article/google-cloud-translation-1287yme/) account, you can enable any of them to start pro translation process with one engine only.
Tap Translate button.
Select Google Translation or DeepL Pro as translation engine.
Select languages > Translate.

[Optional] Check Overwrite existing translations to retranslate text if it has already been translated.
Order dynamic text translations
If you need human translations, submit orders to Text Master that can help you translate dynamics within 48 to 72 business hours, depending on the amount of data and the number of languages you have in your multilingual store.
From your LangShop admin, go to Translations > Dynamic text.
Select dynamics you want to translate.
Click More actions > Add agency translation.

Select language > Add to Cart.
Complete the order in the Cart section.
Make sure the dynamics is enabled on the frontend.
When LangShop completes dynamic translations, you can refresh your storefront details to check the result.
Updated on: 24/11/2023
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